Grounded Masterclass - Week 5
Grounded Masterclass - 2 videos plus notes
**connecting to your local environment by creating art from the earth itself**
Week 5, Part 1 - Creating layers (a)
Click here or on the image below to view the video.
The word ‘diffusion’ has a range of meanings: the spreading of ideas, the dissemination of elements of culture (anthropology), and/or an intermingling of substances (physics).
My ideas, my multicultural background and the materials I use come together through the creative process, and then spread out (diffuse) as they are viewed and interpreted by others.

1. On the glue side of your painted fusible web, draw or trace some shapes to use as collage. I have used circles traced from various-sized small lids from containers around my home, but you can use any shape you like. They can be random shapes drawn freehand, leaves used as templates and so on. The sky is the limit!
2. Cut out these shapes carefully. Arrange them on one of your earth painted backgrounds as shown in the video, either paper or fabric. I have 3 different backgrounds on my table but you can work on only 1 at a time if that suits you better.
3.Peel off the backing paper and fuse into place (glue side down) once you are happy with your arrangement/s. Use an iron on the hottest setting, no steam; remember to protect your iron and/or work surface with baking (parchment) paper above and/or below your work.
4. Select some of your earth painted papers and fabric and iron some fusible web on the back. Trace some shapes as desired on the glue side and cut them out as before. Arrange them on your selected background pieces until you are satisfied. Fuse into place.
5. Keep the outsides of your cut shapes also, as they can provide interesting options also.
6. Don't overload your background with collage; keep it simple so that you have room to add stitching later. You can always fuse some more pieces onto the piece later on!
About your tutor - I am a designer, artist and teacher, living and working in rural northeast Tasmania, Australia. My heritage is Dutch; I was born in Canada but have lived here for many years. This is now my home! I have been stitching and making art for most of my life, and my work has been published internationally, featured in many exhibitions and won numerous awards. However, my main drivers are a love of creating, and developing opportunities to encourage others.
[B. Ed (Art major, distinction); Dip. Art Craft Design (Textiles)]
The right environment - I like to play music while I'm working. Music is a big part of my life and it helps me relax, be in the moment, and distracts me from my tinnitus (which is severe). Choose music you love, nothing too upbeat, sit comfortably at a table which is not too low or too high, and you will soon enter 'the zone'!
(c) Rita Summers
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